Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Power of Art Therapy

This post came across my email recently on "The" Art Therapy Blog about testimonials from hospital patients engaging in art. Click here to read the post in its entirety. I have included the video below.


  1. I’m writing to suggest an Art Therapy web resource for your website visitors… www.allpsychologycareers.com/topics/art-therapy.html

    This page is a great resource for those wishing to learn more about art therapy. In addition, the whole website of www.allpsychologycareers.com is a pretty good informational resource for various psychology related fields.

    Hope this is helpful.

    Seth Sanford

  2. Hi Seth! Thanks so much for the resource link! A lot of people have questions about art therapy, so perhaps this might be helpful. I'll put it on the links in the right column. Thank you for sharing!
