Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Magazine Clipping Templates

Over the last couple of years or so, my interns and I have been culling our old magazines at work for the "gem" phrases that would be good for reuse in collaging and pasting them in templates by topic so that they can be reused more than just once. I thought this could be valuable to share with other art therapists out there, so feel free to download the scanned color PDF's that I have made of the words and phrases we have found. As we complete more pages, I will update the pertinent documents and keep the document links with the most recent copies that I have. I hope you find our efforts helpful for your practice!!


  1. what a great resource - thanks for sharing!!

  2. What FUN!!!
    Thanks so much!!!

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Thank you so very much for taking the time to do this and sharing it with others. I have been collecting magazine words for years but never took the time to scan them. THANKS!!

  4. This is brilliant - thanks so much for sharing! :)

  5. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Incredible resource- I'm grateful!
