Monday, January 25, 2021

Decreasing the Stigma of Seeking Behavioral Health Treatment

This is a good start trying to decrease the stigma of seeking out support for psychological needs among the military.  As of now, the behavioral health department is the largest department in many, if not most, MTFs currently.  There are a lot of services available to military members and dependents as well that are available for them to take advantage of when dealing with military trauma as well as everyday life issues.  I think the stigma has diminished, but changing a way of thinking within an organization as well as not taking actions seen as punitive as a result of seeking help takes time and can always be improved.  I hope that the military - and society in general - no longer see going to a therapist or psychiatrist any different as going to the doctor when you have a cold.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that they definately need to heal their trauma, as having alot of trauma myself from doing a security job I understand the impact it has. But I hope what is on offer isn't the mainstream 'just talk about it' or 'give them drugs' because neither of those actually deal with the trauma.

    Trauma work in recent times is dealing with alot of things, like how trauma is actually stuck in the body.. and drugging the person just suppresses that. But unfortunately it hasn't really reached mainstream to be on offer by regular therapists.
