Friday, February 21, 2014

Farewell to art therapy-friendly psychiatrist Dr. Louis Tinnin

More sad news to report the passing of Dr. Louis Tinnin today, the same day that art therapy pioneer Edith Kramer passed away, at nearly 82 years of age.  Lou was the husband of art therapist Linda Gantt, and together they created the Intensive Trauma Therapy model and the Graphic Narrative, an art therapy technique to help process trauma.  Lou was a psychiatrist and dovetailed the art therapy trauma treatment with how it affects the neurological changes in the brain that has been affected by trauma.  I had the pleasure of attending trainings by them both in Morgantown, WV near their Trauma Recovery Institute in 2004 and at Ft. Belvoir, VA in 2012, where they trained most of the Behavioral Health department in this method.  He will be missed in the art therapy community.

Farewell to Art Therapy Pioneer Edith Kramer

One of the founders of Art Therapy, Edith Kramer, died today after a long life of 97 years.  I remember when she taught during the summer when I attended GWU in the late 1990's, and she would train down from NYC to teach her psychoanalytic art therapy class, even then in her 80's.  I did not take the class because I took other topics instead, though I was tempted to take it anyway just because she taught it.  Her influence in the field of art therapy has been great and she will be missed.