Thursday, November 29, 2012

Classic Client Quote: Encouraging words...

Sometimes in my line of work it can be a thankless job. We often have success stories, but don't always get feedback or at least anything in tangible form. From a recent graduate of the program where I work, some poignant words left behind that definitely make this our efforts worth it:

“I can’t imagine the amount of self-control and strength it must take to have to hear some of the horrible stories that have happened to the kids here. You all are changing lives and sometimes saving them. THANK YOU. Now read that 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 times. That should amount to at least half of what I owe you all.”

I wanted to share this with you, and hopefully give you encouragement as well that whether you know it or not, your efforts in helping people's lives get better doesn't always go unnoticed.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

"Adventures in Art Therapy" selected as Top 100 Counseling Resource

What exciting news I got today!  This blog has been selected in the Top 100 Counseling Resources, specifically in the section of "Art and Music Therapy."  Aside from having that honor, I recommend that you should check out this site with many resources located in one place.  If you are in the mental health profession, please check it out.  You might find several of the sites they list to be very helpful. :)