Monday, January 01, 2007 Names Art Therapy as a Top 10 Job for 2007

10 Hot Jobs for 2007
Candace Corner, writer

As the world continues to advance and change technologically, we are living longer, retiring later and pursuing higher education at a higher rate than generations before us, and the employment market is changing right alongside us.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, technology is just one of the few factors in determining what's going to be the next great gig out there. Demographic shifts, legislative changes, business trends and consumer behavior also factor into what's going to be the next big thing and what's going to be history.

Here are some of today's jobs that are on the cutting edge:

3. Art Therapist (follow this link for available jobs)

What they do:
Treat physical, mental and emotional disabilities through art expression.
What you need: A master's degree in art therapy with completed curriculum under the American Art Therapy Association's educational standards. To be a registered art therapist, 1,000 hours of direct client contact must be reached after graduation.