Thursday, March 26, 2020

Guest Blog, Part 2: How Does Art Therapy Help Manage Violence?

Welcome to Part 2 of a guest blog post from Philip Whitelock, owner at RCMA. He specializes in self-defense training, but also works on education about preventing violence in the first place. Philip is doing a 3-part special series for Adventures in Art Therapy, and I am thrilled to have him be a guest blogger here!

In this video, Philip talks about how oftentimes, people will start to display verbal and nonverbal precursors to violence before they end up lashing out in an extremely violent manner.  So how does something like art therapy work in regards to managing violence?  It can be a healthy outlet for the triggers and feelings that can lead to violent tendencies, which can help prevent violence from happening by allowing the individual to release negative feelings and to express themselves about these issues before they get to a boiling point.

Listen below for more...

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