Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Going to Therapy is a Strength

Here is a good reminder of why people go to therapy. There doesn't need to be a negative stigma associated with accessing therapy. It shows strength to reach out for help and support. Better to go to therapy than get no help at all.

If you are looking for a therapist, there are some good sites to visit to find one near you:

And there is online/teletherapy as well that you can access from the comfort of your own home.

Image may contain: possible text that says 'Seeing A Therapist Doesn't Mean There's Something "Wrong With You". It Means You May Be... Seeking clarity in some areas of your life Wanting work through complex emotions Working through a traumatic experience Challenging negative thinking patterns Learning new techniques to cope with difficult situations Focused on personal growth Let's stop shaming those who seek to better themselves. #StopTheStigma DEPRESSION @RealDepressionProject'

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